Çubuk Gölü Kamp Alanı

Çubuk Gölü Kamp Alanı





You can go to Çubuk Lake for a relaxing camp in the clean atmosphere of Bolu. Although some signs give “paid” information, there is usually no charge when you go camping. Therefore, you can make a free tent and caravan camp by the lake. Located approximately 11 km from the Göynük district of Bolu, Çubuk Lake is a route famous for its fascinating windmills. The Çubuk Lake Windmills, which were used as a decor material for many TV series and movies in the past, are almost on the verge of collapse today. Cubuk Lake, where you can camp free of charge, is 13 km from the center of Göynük, 97 km from the center of Bolu, 250 km from the center of Istanbul and 243 km from the center of Ankara. Therefore, you can go to the region by private vehicle. However, you should be careful as the road to the campsite is a bit rough.

You will be able to witness a fascinating natural beauty in Çubuk Lake, which offers free accommodation for tent and caravan camping. The settlement and lush trees around the lake reflect its mirror-like image onto the lake. Thus, you have the advantage of camping with a stunning view. There is a recreation area above the Çubuk Lake Campground. Although you meet your various needs here, we recommend that you come prepared especially for food, water and equipment. Although there are toilets in Çubuk Lake Campground, you may have problems with napkins and soap. At this point, you need to go supplied. It seems that it is forbidden to make campfires around Çubuk Lake. However, you can light the campfire, which you will heat in a tin high above the ground, provided that you are careful. You may have a problem with the wood you will burn. For this reason, it would be useful to make a wood supply before you go.

You can go on relaxing walks where you will be alone with nature in Çubuk Lake Campground, which carries the wonderful atmosphere of Bolu. While walking in the region, you can also do a climb by visiting the surrounding heights. The phone signal is weak at Çubuk Lake Campground. You can also request a recharge from the picnic area or cafe. It is possible to come across wild animal species such as pigs, jackals and foxes in Çubuk Lake. That's why you have to be careful. You can witness a white dream by going to Çubuk Lake, where you can set up tent and caravan camp free of charge, especially in winter.


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Accessible by motorcycle

Campfire permitted

Car permitted on pitch

Cell phone can pick up

Charcoal grill allowed

Free camp

In the mountains

Permanent camping


Can pitch a tent

Winter camp possible


Access to the water

Caravan park area

Electric hook-ups


Tables and benches

Water hook-up


Wooded Area
