Cilo Dağı Kamp Alanı

Cilo Dağı Kamp Alanı





Cilo Mountain is a must-visit area for camping in Hakkari. Famous for the opportunities it offers for outdoor sports and camping, Cilo Mountain is also known as a branch of the Eastern Taurus Mountains. Local people and shepherds still live at various points on Cilo Mountain, the second highest point in Turkey. Transportation to Cilo Mountain, which fascinates those who see it, cannot even be provided by private vehicles. You can trek to reach the magnificent natural beauty. Even if you do not have enough information about the region, you can contact the trekking groups that spend regular time on Cilo Mountain.

There are suitable plains where you can pitch a tent on Cilo Mountain, where snowfall is not lacking in all 4 seasons of the year. However, due to the always snowy atmosphere of the region, you should definitely bring comprehensive camping equipment with you. A facility is not yet active around the Cilo Mountain Campground, which is located on a secluded route. For this reason, you can bring the equipment, food and drink or water source you need for camping. While staying in Hakkari's favorite Cilo Mountain Campground, you will be alone with a nature view that you cannot take your eyes off. You can bring a camera with you to make this view immortal.

Cilo Mountain Campground offers a convenient atmosphere for nature athletes as well as for campers. In this way, when you come to Cilo Mountain, you can trekking on suitable plains, photograph a fascinating nature, climb the mountain or do yoga against a white peak. We recommend that you bring equipment that can keep you warm day and night when you come to Cilo Mountain, where snow is at its peak in all seasons of the year.


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Campfire permitted

Free camp

In the mountains

Permanent camping

Can pitch a tent

Winter camp possible


Firewood available

Wooded Area