Ayılar Piknik ve Kamp Alanı

Ayılar Piknik ve Kamp Alanı





You can spend a camping holiday in the main Bears picnic and camping area in Alaybey, Bozcaada, where you will be alone with nature. You will be able to have a cool and peaceful stay in the large camping area surrounded by pine trees. When you come to the camping area, you can set up your tent in the area you want from the wide shaded areas. You can easily reach the Bears picnic and camping area by public transport or private vehicle. If you are going to the region with your private vehicle, you can easily reach the region by following the direction of Ayazma Beach. At the same time, you can find a parking lot to park when you come to the campsite with your private vehicle.

There are no facilities such as a restaurant, wc or shower where you can meet your daily basic needs in the Free Bears picnic and camping area. Therefore, you can meet your basic needs by your own means. The fact that the area is referred to as a picnic area can often lead to the idea that a barbecue or campfire can be lit. However, it is strictly forbidden to light a fire in the area. You can protect the beauties of nature from the danger of fire in the camping area, which makes the dreams of those who want to be alone with nature instead of the sea come true. Waste and rubbish left in the camping area can sometimes make it very difficult for visitors to stay. For this reason, you should clean your personal waste while camping and take care not to leave any traces that will pollute the nature.

You can find the opportunity to try many activities where you will discover the beauties of nature in the Bears picnic and camping area, which is especially preferred for family camping. You can take a nature walk that will relax your soul in the camping area established in the depths of the forest. At the same time, you can take a bike ride to make the beauties of the forest unforgettable or use a camera to immortalize the moment. Especially if you are coming to the region with your family, you can plan a trip or relaxation activity where you will discover the beauties that provide the blue and green balance of nature together. Before you set off for the campsite, you should remember that there are no facilities in the area.


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Accessible by motorcycle

Accessible by public transport

Car permitted on pitch

Cell phone can pick up

Free camp

In the mountains

Permanent camping

Can pitch a tent


Caravan park area

Wooded Area

Car park