Sivrice paid campsites

Listed the transportation, communication, service, activity and accommodation information specific to the facilities in the Elazig Sivrice campsites guide.

Elif Aksüt
Elif Aksüt 2023-08-07
Sivrice paid campsites

Although the Aegean and the Mediterranean come to mind first when we hear about a camping holiday, there are other unique routes where we can be alone with nature. You can take an isolated holiday from the tiring routines of the metropolis while discovering the clean atmosphere of nature, especially in the cities of the Eastern Anatolia Region surrounded by majestic mountains. Another unique route where you can camp in the southwest direction of Eastern Anatolia is Elazig. With its fascinating nature and clean atmosphere, you can experience a holiday in Elazig where you can leave your tiredness behind. When you turn your direction to Elazig, you can both discover nature and discover the magnificent heritage of the city in Sivrice district. Moreover, you can bring home comfort to your holiday memories while staying in unique camping areas. We came to the Sivrice stop in the regional camp guides we regularly prepare in Campalow. We have compiled the transportation, communication, accommodation, service and activity information of the facilities in the Sivrice campsites guide. Let's take a look.


Sivrice Campgrounds

1- Hazar Lake Nature Park Campground (Sivrice)

Hazar Lake Nature Park

How is transportation and communication provided?

Hazar Lake Nature Park Campground facility is frequently preferred by families in the Sivrice campgrounds list. Moreover, in addition to the comfortable services of the facility, the advantage of easy transportation is one of the reasons for preference. The nature park, located right across the Hazar Lake, has a transportation time of approximately 28 km to the city center of Elazig. In this way, when you set off with a private vehicle, you can reach the nature park from the city in about half an hour by using the Diyarbakir - Elazig road direction. Moreover, after arriving at Hazar Lake Nature Park Campground, you can safely leave your private car in the parking lot. If you do not have a private vehicle for transportation and you need to use public transportation, you can get on the vehicles serving between Elazig and Sivrice and get off on the Diyarbakir - Elazig road. Then, after a very short walk, you can reach the Hazar Lake Nature Park Campground facility.

  • Phone: 0 538 315 47 23
  • E-mail:
  • Website:

What types of accommodation are available?

  • Tent
  • Caravan
  • tent rental
  • apartments

What services are available?

  • Mosque
  • Car park
  • Restaurant
  • Child park
  • communal sitting area

What activities can be done?

  • Trekking
  • Dive
  • Gezi
  • Culture
  • bike ride

Click for detailed information about Hazar Lake Nature Park Campground


We have come to the end of the "Sivrice campsites" guide that we have prepared specifically for the Sivrice region of Elazig. In addition to the camping facilities you find in the guide, you can consider Cide campsites or Abana campsites guides to browse other camping routes in nearby areas. When you want to take your route from the eastern regions and shift it to the west, you can look at the content of Göynük campsites, Kızılcahamam campsites or Beypazarı campgrounds. We wish you a good holiday.

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