First camping experience: Things to consider after camping

Today, as we come to the end of the camping experience, we will list the things you need to pay attention both to protect nature and to pack your belongings.

Elif Aksüt
Elif Aksüt 2022-02-22
First camping experience: Things to consider after camping

We wouldn't be wrong if we say that the excitement you feel while going on a camping holiday that you have been dreaming about for a long time will continue throughout the holiday. It will be very beneficial for you, especially if you turn this excitement into a process where you will experience camp information. In the past weeks, under the title of "First Camp Experience"; We have listed the things you should pay attention to before and during the camp. Today, we will list the things you need to pay attention to at the end of your holiday while visiting the habitat of different creatures in the depths of nature. If you pay attention to the criteria in our list; You can return from a comfortable, peaceful and enjoyable camping holiday.


What are the points to be considered after the camp?

Make Sure The Fire Is Out

Camp experiences describe the gift of a process where we can see and admire the miracles of nature. In order for us to preserve the gift of nature, we need to keep the environment as clean as possible during and after the camp. You need to be careful during the heating process of the fire, which makes camping activities more enjoyable. For example, if you try to ignite a fire with plastic objects, you may pollute the oxygen of the natural habitat. In order to light a fire correctly and cautiously, you can take a look at our article titled “Things to be careful when lighting a campfire”. After cautiously lighting the campfire, the important thing is to put it out. Especially if you are close to the last day of going home when your camping holiday is over, you must make sure that the campfire is extinguished before you leave. You can pour water over the fire for this. We recommend that you stay around the fire for a while to make sure it is completely extinguished.


Don't Leave Your Trash in Nature

The generosity that nature has given us must be offered to her in the same way. The greatest generosity you can offer to nature is to always leave it clean. Imagine that you have finally come to the end of the camping holiday of your dreams. Before returning home, you should definitely clear the environment from garbage while you pack your tent and put out your fire. For this, you can keep a garbage bag with you while you collect your belongings in the camp area. After putting the waste in the bag, you can throw it in the trash by closing the mouth well and leave the area clean. At this point, you can collect not only your "own" garbage, but also some wastes that will harm the nature. In this way, you can freely present your generosity to nature.


Make Sure You Gather Materials

When you pack up from the campsite and return home, you don't want to open your bag and see an important item left there. At this point, you can use the equipment list you created before you came to the camp. If you put the equipment on the list one by one in the bag while collecting your belongings, the possibility of forgetting an item in the area is eliminated.


Be Generous With Materials

When you go camping for the first time, you will definitely take everything too much from the excitement of the event. Especially if you are going to a short-term camp, there is a high probability that the materials you have purchased will increase. Do not forget that foods such as eating and drinking may remain extra. If you are in a private camping establishment or if there is someone around, you can share the extra food you have with other campers. Remember, camping is based on friendship and solidarity!


Report Returns to Camp Business

If you are having your first camping experience in a business, make sure to inform the business about the pros and cons you have observed. For example, if you think that there are key points such as hygiene or food and beverage that the camping business lacks, it will be very valuable to give feedback. The feedback you have given about the region helps the camping business to improve itself. In addition to this, informing the camp operator about the pros and cons will also provide valuable feedback for future visitors.


Don't Neglect Business-Related Questions

Before leaving the camp area, you can ask questions that you are curious about and would like to hear firsthand. For example, if you want to come to the campsite in another season, you can get information about the time period and upcoming services. This will keep you in touch with the camp operator until another experience. At the same time, you have the opportunity to hear first-hand information that you normally need to get from the phone.


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